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Tradition and Transition
Tradition and Transition

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Jewish Communities and the Hyper Empowered Individual
Author: Andrés Spokoiny
Price: $20.00 
Special Price: $18.20
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN 10: 9657801435
ISBN 13: 9789657801437
Catalog Number: 7801-43
Number of Pages: 160
Year Published: 2024

Since the advent of modernity, the human condition has been changing and evolving, a process that has accelerated radically in the 21st century.

These transformations are revolutionizing Jewish communities throughout the world and posing momentous questions for individual Jews and Jewish leaders alike. While Judaism has undergone many changes in its four thousand years of history, there’s something particularly perplexing about our times, as the rise of the hyper-empowered individual challenges the foundations of every cultural and religious community.

Drawing on extensive research and decades of professional practice in the Jewish Community, Spokoiny seeks to answer a key question: How can Jewish communities – and Judaism – thrive in our tumultuous age?

While this book focuses on Jewish communities, it offers valuable insights for all those who study identity, belonging, and community in the 21st century.

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