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My Israel
My Israel

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Seventy Faces of the Land
Authors: Ilan Greenfield (Editor)
Chemi Peres
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Price: $45.00
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN 10: 9657023351
ISBN 13: 9789657023358
Catalog Number: 7023-35
Number of Pages: 226
Year Published: 2023

My Israel is a work of love. Here, seventy prominent Israelis put down into moving words what they see in their own special corners of the Land of Israel. A set of personal narratives with seventy essays, each by an extraordinary, accomplished individual from all walks of life – an entrepreneur, a singer, an athlete, and many other innovative and productive citizens of this land we love.

We have a shared past
We face shared challenges
We must build a shared future with our love for Israel

'On the eastern border of Jerusalem’s Old City, between the Jewish and the Muslim Quarters, sits a walled compound of approximately thirty-five acres, over which nations have fought and dreamt for hundreds of generations.… Just one glance toward the gilded dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque brings up the entirety of the history bubbling under the surface, and I am swept back in time…'
Lior Suchard, master mentalist and entrepreneur

List of contributors

Alshekh, Maysa Halabi
Altschuler, Adi
Arad, Yael
Argov, Gideon
Arieli, Inbal
Ariely, Prof. Dan
Avni, Aki
Bar-Or, Rabbi Mordechai
Beck, Dr. Avital
Beer, Eli
Ben-Ami, Lili
Berry, Orna
Besnainou, Pierre
Bloch, Dr. Aliza
Broza, David
Cohen, Itai
Cohen, Sharonna
KarniEizenkot, Gadi
Engel, Jossef Avi Yair “Jucha”
Friedman, Moshe
Fuld, Hillel
Gadiesh, Orit
Gershony, Noam
Gity, Inbar Harush
Gold-Zamir, Dr. Yael
Greenfield, Murray
Harari, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Dani
Harel-Cohen, Sharon
Hasson, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Hasson
Klein, Achiya
Klinger, Tchia Efron
Kolber, Jonathan
Kolitz, Dr. Tamara
Kreiss, Inbal (Biran)
Kremer, Avichai (Avi)
Lau, Rabbi Binyamin
Levenberg, Prof. Shulamit
Lichtenstein, Chen
Low, Joey
Machluf, Prof. Marcelle
Nahmias-Verbin, Ayelet
Natour-Hafi, Shirin
Nevzlin, Irina
Ohana, Tal
Peres, Chemi
Peretz, Miriam
Pincas, Itay
Polachek, Ruth
Rabinovitch, Rabbi Shmuel
Radinsky, Kira
Rado, Hana
Rahav-Meir, Sivan
Rivelis, Shira
Samuels, Kalman
Satchi-Fainaro, Prof. Ronit
Schoenberg, Ido, and Phyllis Gotlib
Shaffir, Stav
Sharon, Gilad
Shilon, Ziv
Shwed, Gil
Stibbe, Eytan
Strauss, Ofra
Suchard, Lior
Tashome-Katz, Yuvi
Teeni, Adi Soffer
Telhami, Imad
Yaari, Sivan
Zafrir, Nadav
Zaher, Julia
Ze’evi, Arik

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