And Every Single One Was Someone (Special Tallis Bound Edition)
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Author: Phil Chernofsky Price: $1,800.00 Format: Hard Cover ISBN 10: 965229604X ISBN 13: 9789652296047 Catalog Number: g604n / 604-7 Year Published: 2013
Description: This is the Special Tallis Bound Edition
As a math and Jewish studies teacher in a Jewish day school, Chernofsky wanted a different and meaningful way for his students to relate to the Holocaust.
From there evolved this book that has just one word, six million times JEW. What would a book of six million Jews look like? This is a volume meant for library and institution presentations on the Holocaust, a daring attempt to give some small sense of the overwhelming number - six million.
What is sorely lacking in the telling of this article is the impression this books makes when you see it, when you hold it in your hand. It is in no way meant to trivialize the individuals. It is an attempt to bring a hint, a suggestion of what 6 million is into your home, your school, your synagogue, church or memorial center. The New York Times
Out of all the thousands of books written about the Shoah, yours is the first to mention my oma and opa, because they are two of the Jews mentioned in your book. I think of them often. Thank you for also remembering them. Mishpacha Magazine
This work is not a document of historical record. As such it would be a failure and a travesty. It is a work of art. Art can be beautiful, ugly, provocative or banal. It is not the conceptual artist's aim to catalog or record.
I can judge this purely as a work of art, and see the value of it. It is thought provoking and, in it's own way, devastating. New York Times You may also like:
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