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Heaven and Earth (3 volume boxed set)
Heaven and Earth (3 volume boxed set)

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A Real-World View of Jewish Life through the Parashah and the Holidays
Author: Yerucham Reich
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Price: $75.00 
Special Price: $62.00
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN 10: 9657801567
ISBN 13: 9789657801567
Catalog Number: 7801-56
Number of Pages: 1300
Year Published: 2023

From his vantage as a physician, Torah-observant Jew, second-generation Holocaust survivor, first-generation American, and thinking man, Yerucham Reich shares his perspective on our lives as Jews with insights into the weekly Torah portions and the holidays.

These straight-talking, commonsensical essays are drawn from life, from history, from the world as it really is, from the world as it ought to be, from the mesorah of our forebears, and from the teachings of our sages. Dr. Reich tackles everything from ancient textual questions to the controversial issues of the day with independent-minded analysis and aplomb. Alternately passionately serious, funny, touching, and at times lyrically transcendent, Heaven and Earth is an experience to share.

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