The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Hebrew Fiction Poetry Shira
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YanKishe (Hebrew)
YanKishe (Hebrew)
Price: $20.95 $20.40

Yehuda Amichai Complete Poetry 5 Volume set (Hebrew)
Yehuda Amichai Complete Poetry 5 Volume set (Hebrew)
Price: $180.00 $140.00
Shirey Yehuda Amichai
Volume 1 1948-1962 Volume 2 Achshav Beraash ...
Gardens Of Yonder Zelda Writing and Art(Hebrew)
Gardens Of Yonder Zelda Writing and Art(Hebrew)
Price: $50.00 $42.00
Ganei Haayin. Zelda Katavim VeTziurim
Contains dozens of beautiful color drawings a...