The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Gefen Publishing House 2021
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Guilt by Accusation (Hebrew)
Guilt by Accusation (Hebrew)
Price: $22.00
Ashma Beshel Haashama The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo
The is the official Hebrew translation of the...
Parashah Themes in Historical Perspective 2 volume set
Parashah Themes in Historical Perspective 2 volume set
Price: $45.00 $42.00
Parashah Themes in Historical Perspective is ...
When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel
When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel
Price: $24.95
From the Arab Conquest until World War I (640–1914)
The goal of the Palestinian national movement...
Genesis A Torah for All Nations
Genesis A Torah for All Nations
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Over seven billion people live on earth. Acco...
The Arc of Our History
The Arc of Our History
Price: $29.95
A Social and Political Narrative of Family and Nation

Devilspel (Hebrew)
Devilspel (Hebrew)
Price: $25.00
Kismei Hasatan
This is the Hebrew edition of the EBRD (The E...
Lone Voice
Lone Voice
Price: $39.95
The Wars of Isi Leibler
Isi Leibler has been a central player in the ...
Open Doors & Open Hearts
Open Doors & Open Hearts
Price: $18.95
The Story of the Jewish People in the Twentieth Century as Reflected in the Life of Zvi Eyal
Zvi Eyal was born Harry Klafter in Utrecht, t...
Mindful Fundraising
Mindful Fundraising
Price: $30.00
Mindful Fundraising includes a special Fun...
Rationalism vs. Mysticism
Rationalism vs. Mysticism
Price: $39.95
Schisms in Traditional Judaism
KNOWLEDGE Do we obtain reliable knowl...
The Taming of the Jew
The Taming of the Jew
Price: $24.95 $23.00
A Journey Through the United Kingdom
The Taming of the Jew, Israel's number on...
A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal
A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal
Price: $18.00
An Israeli Navy SEAL’s Journey
Looking ahead into the dark, my compass, dept...
Give Me a Second Chance
Give Me a Second Chance
Price: $17.95
A novel based on a true story
Racheli is a regular American modern Orthodox...
The Bloody Price of Freedom
The Bloody Price of Freedom
Price: $29.95 $27.00
Recent historic breakthroughs have introduced...
Pondering The Past
Pondering The Past
Price: $14.95
The Tragic Story of Lithuanian Jewry
This book surveys the rich history of Lithuan...
ISResilience (Paperback Edition)
ISResilience (Paperback Edition)
Price: $18.00
What Israelis Can Teach the World
Part-history, part-biography, part-self-help ...
Fanny & Gabriel
Fanny & Gabriel
Price: $17.95
A love story as implausible as this must be t...
Siamo Qui, Siamo Vivi - We Are Here Alive! (Hebrew)
Siamo Qui, Siamo Vivi - We Are Here Alive! (Hebrew)
Price: $17.95
Anachnu Kan, Bachayim! The Diary of Alfredo Sarano

Fact Over Fiction
Fact Over Fiction
Price: $19.50
A Challenge to Barak Obama's History of Israel
“Dov Lipman writes about controversial sub...
Almaz Walks Down the Paths of Her Childhood (Hebrew)
Almaz Walks Down the Paths of Her Childhood (Hebrew)
Price: $15.00
Almaz Posaat Bishvilei Yalduta

Through the Prism
Through the Prism
Price: $24.95 $19.95
Refractions and Reflections on Bereishit
Sefer Bereishit — the Book of Genesis—relates...
Rooted in Torah
Rooted in Torah
Price: $34.95 $32.00
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch on the Weekly Parashah and the Holidays
The brilliance of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch...
Hitmodedut (Hebrew)
Hitmodedut (Hebrew)
Price: $29.95 $25.40

Why do Jewish? (hard cover)
Why do Jewish? (hard cover)
Price: $18.00
A Manifesto for 21st Century Jewish Peoplehood
How do I live a more meaningful life? How mig...
Almaz Walks Down the Paths of Her Childhood
Almaz Walks Down the Paths of Her Childhood
Price: $15.00
In this book, Almaz – who made Aliyah with he...
All About Eva
All About Eva
Price: $15.95 $15.20
A Holocaust-Related Memoir, with a Hollywood Twist
Rudy Brook had just passed the German Bar exa...
Flying Lessons
Flying Lessons
Price: $12.95
Hadara’s small Israeli village has one of eve...
Paths of the Righteous
Paths of the Righteous
Price: $14.99
Stories of Heroism, Humanity and Hope
What does it mean to be a righteous person in...
Price: $24.95
The Insider's Guide to Israel - An Anthology by Tour Educators
Heartbeats invites you to step off of the wel...
Islam and Judaism (Hebrew)
Islam and Judaism (Hebrew)
Price: $18.20
The Similarities and the Differences
Islam and Judaism - The Similarities and the ...
The Wealthy
The Wealthy
Price: $29.95
Chronicle of a Jewish Family (1763-1948)
A vast amount of research was invested in thi...
Why do Jewish? (paper back)
Why do Jewish? (paper back)
Price: $18.00
A Manifesto for 21st Century Jewish Peoplehood
How do I live a more meaningful life? How mig...
Al Hamisim Ve'al Haniflaot (Hebrew)
Al Hamisim Ve'al Haniflaot (Hebrew)
Price: $24.00 $22.00
20 Years of Economics, Business and Taxation in Israel
