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The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Semitic Language Linguistics Research
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Hebrew in Light of Logic (Hebrew)
Hebrew in Light of Logic (Hebrew)
Price: $48.00 $38.40
Hasafa Haivrit bare-ee chochmat Hahigayon Rabbi Joseph ibn Kaspi’s Philosophical, Logical and Linguistic Approach
The study of Hebrew as a science in its own r...
Tanach Sheroim Mikahn Can Modern Hebrew Understand the Bible? (Hebrew)
Tanach Sheroim Mikahn Can Modern Hebrew Understand the Bible? (Hebrew)
Price: $40.00 $23.00
Haim Haivrit Shelanu Mevina Tanach?

Otzer Milim Sipur Chayav Shel Reuven Alkalai (Hebrew)
Otzer Milim Sipur Chayav Shel Reuven Alkalai (Hebrew)
Price: $38.00 $32.00
The Life Story of Lexicographer Reuven Alkalay

Needed Words: The Lexical Innovations of Yonatan Ratosh (Hebrew) 
Needed Words: The Lexical Innovations of Yonatan Ratosh (Hebrew) 
Price: $180.00 $144.00
Yonatan Ratosh's thousands of lexical inn...
The Biblical Foundations of Modern Hebrew (Hebrew)
The Biblical Foundations of Modern Hebrew (Hebrew)
Price: $40.00 $32.00
Medabrim Bashefet Hatanach

My Life, My Language (Hebrew)
My Life, My Language (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $28.00
Masotai Im Haivrit
