The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Historical and Sociological Studies in Hebrew
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Bambara (Hebrew)
Bambara (Hebrew)
Price: $24.00
In the Footsteps of the Pillar of Fire
Bambara presents a fascinating new theory of ...
Al Hamisim Ve'al Haniflaot (Hebrew)
Al Hamisim Ve'al Haniflaot (Hebrew)
Price: $24.00 $22.00
20 Years of Economics, Business and Taxation in Israel

The Valero Family (Hebrew)
The Valero Family (Hebrew)
Price: $24.95 $20.00
Mishpachat Valero: Shivah Dorot Biyrushelayim
Here is the fascinating story of one of Jerus...
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
Price: $28.00 $27.60
Hagangster Haheyudi Ba-aratzot Habrit
The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters H...