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The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Modern Midrash Novels
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Adele (Hebrew)
Adele (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $26.00
Adele depicts as a modern midrash novel the l...
For Her Face Was Covered (Hebrew)
For Her Face Was Covered (Hebrew)
Price: $36.00 $28.00
Ki Kista Paneha

Seven Mothers. he Great Women of the Bible (Hebrew)
Seven Mothers. he Great Women of the Bible (Hebrew)
Price: $34.00 $28.00
Sheva Imahot
Seven Mothers The Great Women of the Bible is...
As A Driven Leaf (Hebrew)
As A Driven Leaf (Hebrew)
Price: $36.00 $32.00
Ka-alei Nidaf
The age of the Talmud is brought to life in a...
My Husband Bar Kokhba (Hebrew)
My Husband Bar Kokhba (Hebrew)
Price: $16.95
A Historical Novel
An epic story of revolution and drama, My Hus...
Kings III A Novel (Hebrew)
Kings III A Novel (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $26.00
The Secret Book of Kings Melachim Gimel
The Secret Book of Kings depicts as a modern ...
The Orchard (Hebrew)
The Orchard (Hebrew)
Price: $34.00 $26.00
Hapardes Shel Akiva
This is the original Hebrew edition of The Or...