The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Gefen Publishing House 2015
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Simply Delicious
Simply Delicious
Price: $12.95
Creative Cooking for the Kosher Kitchen Cookbook
From bean stew to brandied apples, from quino...
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
Price: $24.52 $22.00
Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors
Almost ninety children and grandchildren of H...
Love in a World of Sorrow
Love in a World of Sorrow
Price: $14.95 $12.00
A Teenage Girl's Holocaust Memories
This book describes Holocaust reality as we h...
Family Matters
Family Matters
Price: $85.00 $68.00
Courageous People in the Promised Land
Why has the Israeli/Palestinian issue proved ...
The Littlest Pair
The Littlest Pair
Price: $9.95 $9.00
None of the animals want the termites to come...
Not By The Sweets Alone
Not By The Sweets Alone
Price: $36.00 $28.00
Recipes & Tales from the Shabbat Table at Shanti House
17-year-old G. on Rosh Hashanah: I accept my ...
Judaism Alive
Judaism Alive
Price: $18.00 $16.00
Using the Torah to Unlock Your Life's Potential
While the genesis of Judaism Alive is based o...
Right Hand Man
Right Hand Man
Price: $29.95 $24.00
The Biography of Yechiel Kadishai, Chief of Staff and Confidant of Menachem Begin
Right-Hand Man is the gripping story of Yechi...
We Dared to Live
We Dared to Live
Price: $16.95
Abrashe Szabrinski used the Yiddish typewrite...
Days of Ticho
Days of Ticho
Price: $39.95 $30.00
Empire, Mandate, Medicine, and Art in the Holy Land
Dr. Avraham Albert Ticho was a Viennese-train...
The Mountains of Israel
The Mountains of Israel
Price: $34.95 $26.00
A Taste of Heaven
The Mountains of Israel: A Taste of Heaven ta...
Price: $10.95 $10.00
Inspirational Lessons of Rosh Hashanah
In Renewal: Inspirational Lessons of Rosh Has...
Easy Way Out Passover Cookbook
Easy Way Out Passover Cookbook
Price: $12.95 $12.40
Passover is coming! Don’t panic! Believe it ...
Is Everything Just a Coincidence?
Is Everything Just a Coincidence?
Price: $14.95 $12.00
Why was the universe created? Is there a Crea...
Yearning to Breath Free
Yearning to Breath Free
Price: $29.95
My Parents’ Fight to Reunite during the Holocaust
On February 1, 1940, a thirtythree-year-old J...
Rashi The Magic and the Mystery
Rashi The Magic and the Mystery
Price: $19.95 $19.20
Keys to Unlocking Rashi's Unique Commentary
The magic spell cast by Rashi on the Jewish n...
I Once Was a Boy (Hebrew)
I Once Was a Boy (Hebrew)
Price: $10.00
Naar Hayiti
This is the story of Tula Krakowski. A story ...
I Am Jewish
I Am Jewish
Price: $22.00 $20.00
Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl
Being Jewish. What does it mean―today&#...
Jewish Identity
Jewish Identity
Price: $24.95 $18.00
The Challenge of Peoplehood Today
Though the seemingly impossible dream of a so...
Carry-on Baggage
Carry-on Baggage
Price: $12.95
The Story of a Man Who Thought he Travelled Light
Howard Feldman was a high-flying commodity tr...
The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
Price: $21.95 $20.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...
Let My People Go
Let My People Go
Price: $19.95 $18.00
The Untold Story of Australia and the Soviet Union
For 50 years, until the Berlin Wall fell in 1...
A Bit of Wit, A World of Wisdom Volume 2
A Bit of Wit, A World of Wisdom Volume 2
Price: $18.95 $15.16
Laugh, be inspired...and tap into your vast h...
Nihul Latikvah (Hebrew) - Management Techniques
Nihul Latikvah (Hebrew) - Management Techniques
Price: $21.95
Management Techniques of the Shevach-Mofet school principal
The title, 'Nihul Latikvah' could be ...
The Shemittah Guide (pb)
The Shemittah Guide (pb)
Price: $12.95
To know bottom line - what to do
The Shemitta Guide is a very unique guide to ...
The Shemittah Guide
The Shemittah Guide
Price: $12.95 $11.50
To know bottom line - what to do
The Shemitta Guide is a very unique guide to ...
Catch the Jew!
Catch the Jew!
Price: $24.95
Catch the Jew! recounts the adventures of Tuv...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Five Books of Moses
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Five Books of Moses
Price: $24.95 $18.00
Most people know little about the Hebrew Bibl...
Unusual Bible Interpretations:  Judges
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Judges
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This book offers readers surprising eye-openi...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Joshua
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Joshua
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This second volume of the Unusual Bible Inter...