The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Israel's Leading Publishers - Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, one of Israel's leading academic institutions of Jewish studies, through its Institute of Applied Halakhah, the Center for Judaism and the Arts and the Center for Women in Jewish Law, publishes each year a number of books and journals for both the academic community and the public at large exciting new research in the areas of Women and Judaism, Responsa, Prayer and Liturgy, Jewish Law and more....


Featured Items in Category Israel's Leading Publishers - Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
The Schechter Haggadah
The Schechter Haggadah
Price: $40.00 $38.00
Art, History and Commentary
The Schechter Haggadah: Art, History and Comm...
Responsa in a Moment 3
Responsa in a Moment 3
Price: $18.00 $14.00
Responsa in a Moment, Vol. III is a collectio...
Taking the Plunge
Taking the Plunge
Price: $23.00 $22.40
A Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Mikveh
Taking the Plunge is a comprehensive mikveh r...
Megillat Hashoah
Megillat Hashoah
Price: $7.00
the Shoah Scroll: A Holocaust Liturgy
This powerful liturgical text was created to ...
Perspectives on Jewish Law and Contemporary Issues
Perspectives on Jewish Law and Contemporary Issues
Price: $23.00 $20.00
This book is a collection of 85 responsa writ...
Responsa and Halakhic Studies
Responsa and Halakhic Studies
Price: $14.00 $12.00
This volume is a revised and expanded edition...
Responsa in a Moment Volume 2 1990-1996
Responsa in a Moment Volume 2 1990-1996
Price: $14.00 $12.00
Responsa in a Moment, Vol. II, is a collectio...
Responsa in a Moment: Halakhic Responses to Contemporary Issues
Responsa in a Moment: Halakhic Responses to Contemporary Issues
Price: $8.00 $6.50
This book is a collection of the Responsa whi...
The Lovell Haggadah
The Lovell Haggadah
Price: $23.00 $21.50
The Lovell Haggadah, infused with vibrant art...
Ask the Rabbi
Ask the Rabbi
Price: $23.00 $20.00
Women Rabbis Respond to Modern Halakhic Questions
This book is a collection of responsa written...
The High Holy Days
The High Holy Days
Price: $23.00 $22.20
A Commentary on the Prayerbook of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Status of Women in Jewish Law
The Status of Women in Jewish Law
Price: $30.00 $28.00
This book is dedicated to the study of the ha...