The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Holocaust Memorial Books
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Price: $30.00 $21.00
Survivors is not just another Holocaust photo...
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
Price: $24.52 $22.00
Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors
Almost ninety children and grandchildren of H...
Memories of Jewish Poland
Memories of Jewish Poland
Price: $19.95 $18.00
The 1932 Photographs of Nachum Tim Gidal
In 1932, the budding twenty-three-year-old ph...
Witness to the Dark
Witness to the Dark
Price: $14.95
A Testimony of Survival
As the end of World War II approached, effort...
Bitternes and Salvation
Bitternes and Salvation
Price: $12.95 $11.00
Nathan’s Bitterness and Salvation Nathan is a...
Megillat Hashoah
Megillat Hashoah
Price: $7.00
the Shoah Scroll: A Holocaust Liturgy
This powerful liturgical text was created to ...
And Every Single One Was Someone (Special Tallis Bound Edition)
And Every Single One Was Someone (Special Tallis Bound Edition)
Price: $1,800.00
This is the Special Tallis Bound Edit...
Tunnel Of Hope
Tunnel Of Hope
Price: $34.95 $31.00
Escape from the Novogrudok Forced Labor Camp
Tunnel of Hope: Escape from the Novogrudok f...
And Every Single One Was Someone
And Every Single One Was Someone
Price: $100.00 $78.00
(Regular Edition)
As a math and Jewish studies teacher in a Jew...
The Lonka Project
The Lonka Project
Price: $65.00
The Power of Life. A Photographic Tribute to the Last Holocaust Survivors Around the World
THE LONKA PROJECT is named after Dr. Lonka (E...