The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

This category includes books that deal with the topic of women in Jewish life, culture, history and religion.
Jewish Women
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Soul to Soul
Soul to Soul
Price: $14.95 $14.50
Writings from Dark Places
When she was diagnosed with metastatic breast...
The Gilboa Iris
The Gilboa Iris
Price: $19.95 $12.00
Dara Harow, the daughter of a rocket physicis...
Woman of Few Words
Woman of Few Words
Price: $18.00 $16.00
My Creative Journey With Dystonia
How would you like to be unable to speak inte...
Price: $15.95 $12.00
Four generations of strong, dedicated women l...
Surviving Widowhood
Surviving Widowhood
Price: $16.95
It is estimated that nearly 80 percent of mar...
Taking the Plunge
Taking the Plunge
Price: $23.00 $22.40
A Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Mikveh
Taking the Plunge is a comprehensive mikveh r...
The Daughters Victorious
The Daughters Victorious
Price: $18.95
A Dramatization of the Torah Story of the Daughters of Zelaphchad
More than 3,000 years ago, five determined wo...
Life, Death and Sacrifice.
Life, Death and Sacrifice.
Price: $24.95
Women, Family and the Holocaust
'…From out of a world of death and destru...
The Book of Esther
The Book of Esther
Price: $18.00 $16.00
A Commentary and History
Few volumes reflect understandings as varied ...
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
Price: $17.95 $12.00
A love poem as old as the Bible, as contempor...
We Are Still Here
We Are Still Here
Price: $14.95
Memoirs of a Child of Survivors
In this powerful and touching collection of e...
Iconic Jewish Women
Iconic Jewish Women
Price: $29.95 $26.00
Fifty-Nine Inspiring, Courageous, Revolutionary Role Models for Young Girls
The inspiring life stories of fifty-nine rema...
The Status of Women in Jewish Law
The Status of Women in Jewish Law
Price: $30.00 $28.00
This book is dedicated to the study of the ha...
Immigrant Lessons
Immigrant Lessons
Price: $21.95
“Every time you leave something that has defi...
The Unanswered Cry
The Unanswered Cry
Price: $29.00 $23.20
A moving novel about a teenage girl who while...
The Rage Less Traveled
The Rage Less Traveled
Price: $18.00 $16.00
A Memoir of Surviving a Machete Attack
After being brutally hacked at with a machete...
The Book of Ruth
The Book of Ruth
Price: $14.95 $12.90
Paradise Gained and Lost
The Book of Ruth is one of the most appealing...
Marry A Mensch
Marry A Mensch
Price: $16.95 $15.00
Timeless Jewish Wisdom For Today's Single Woman
Devorah Kigel shares practical priceless p...