The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Gefen Publishing House 2005 and older backlist
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Ish Kash (Hebrew)
Ish Kash (Hebrew)
Price: $8.00
The Straw Man
Ish Kash is an exciting educational story abo...
The Mitzvah Girl
The Mitzvah Girl
Price: $12.95
More than a Purim holiday story, The Mitzvah ...
The Mystery of the Missing Pitom
The Mystery of the Missing Pitom
Price: $12.95 $8.00
After Yosef, his brothers and father built th...
Kippa The Dancing Duck
Kippa The Dancing Duck
Price: $12.95 $8.00
Ari is on his way to Shofarville’s animal tal...
Alex in the Promised Land
Alex in the Promised Land
Price: $12.95
A beautiful young American widow returns to I...
A Townhouse in Jerusalem
A Townhouse in Jerusalem
Price: $19.95 $14.00
The story of an American who grew up in a Jew...
The Kabbalists
The Kabbalists
Price: $12.95 $12.46
Set in Safed in the 16th century, during the ...
The Daughters Victorious
The Daughters Victorious
Price: $18.95
A Dramatization of the Torah Story of the Daughters of Zelaphchad
More than 3,000 years ago, five determined wo...
The Scout
The Scout
Price: $12.95 $10.00
In an Israeli hospital, two men battle with d...
Chestnuts of Yesteryear
Chestnuts of Yesteryear
Price: $18.00 $16.00
This moving and compelling saga confronts the...
Tallis Ends  And Other Tales
Tallis Ends And Other Tales
Price: $12.95 $12.70
The Cartoon Mishnah Learning Series
Tallis Ends and Other Tales includeds ...
Luck and Chutzpah
Luck and Chutzpah
Price: $19.95 $16.00
Against All Odds
“I suppose you could call me a Holocaust surv...
We Struggled for Life
We Struggled for Life
Price: $18.95
The Hungarian Zionist Youth Resistance During the Nazi Era
The authentic personal account of the activit...
The Children of Buchenwald
The Children of Buchenwald
Price: $21.95 $17.56
Child Survivors of the Holocaust and their Post-War Lives
Some of the survivors of Buchenwald tell thei...
But Some Became Stars
But Some Became Stars
Price: $14.95 $12.00
A moving memoir by a truly remarkable woman. ...
I Shall Not Die!
I Shall Not Die!
Price: $24.95 $20.00
A Personal Memoir
He came penniless to the United States after ...
Surviving Widowhood
Surviving Widowhood
Price: $16.95
It is estimated that nearly 80 percent of mar...
But He Was Good to His Mother
But He Was Good to His Mother
Price: $19.95
The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters
7th printing includes more gangsters! Newly f...
The Mammals of Israel
The Mammals of Israel
Price: $40.00 $32.00
The first comprehensive study of the nearly 1...
Journey of Hope
Journey of Hope
Price: $10.00
The Story of Ilan Ramon, Israel’s First Astronaut
“Columbia is lost; there are no survivors” ...
The Pharisees
The Pharisees
Price: $80.00
Preservers of Judaism
After two thousand years of gross misundersta...
A Shadow Over My Life
A Shadow Over My Life
Price: $9.95
The turmoil and chaos at the dawn of World Wa...
Tales of Nehama
Tales of Nehama
Price: $21.95 $16.00
A Journey into the Life and Teachings of Nehama Leibowitz
Through hundreds of anecdotes and memories, t...
The Jews in Germany (Hebrew)
The Jews in Germany (Hebrew)
Price: $50.00 $34.00
The history of German Jewry from 321 A.D. to ...
Jewish Nation of the Caribbean (Hebrew)
Jewish Nation of the Caribbean (Hebrew)
Price: $34.95 $28.00
Beney Ha-Umah Ha-yehudit Be-ezor Hakaribi
Occasionally one comes across a book, which i...
The Changing Face of Health Systems
The Changing Face of Health Systems
Price: $90.00 $68.00
The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Examining recent developments in health polic...
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
Price: $28.00 $27.60
Hagangster Haheyudi Ba-aratzot Habrit
The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters H...
The Undefeated
The Undefeated
Price: $19.95
“Covers almost every aspect of the problem of...
Chemical Warfare Medicine
Chemical Warfare Medicine
Price: $95.00 $32.00
Aspects and Perspectives from the Persian Gul...
A Crown for a King
A Crown for a King
Price: $50.00 $40.00
Studies in Jewish Art, History and Archeology
Leading Israeli, American, and European schol...
For the Shabbat Table
For the Shabbat Table
Price: $24.95 $18.00
Utilizing a rich heritage of Jewish tradition...
The Klezmer Bunch
The Klezmer Bunch
Price: $15.95 $12.00
Watch Storyteller and author of Klezmer Bunch...
Shake Heaven and Earth
Shake Heaven and Earth
Price: $24.95 $24.00
Peter Bergson and the Struggle to Rescue the Jews of Europe
The Story told in Shake Heaven and Earth More
Breakthroughs in Medicine
Breakthroughs in Medicine
Price: $9.95
From Superstition to Empirical and Scientific Medicine
A look at the labor of some remarkable scient...
My Husband Bar Kokhba
My Husband Bar Kokhba
Price: $18.95 $18.00
A Historical Novel
An epic story of revolution and drama, My Hus...
Grandfather's Acres
Grandfather's Acres
Price: $19.95 $16.00
A novel that presents a mixed Jewish and gent...
Colored Pearls
Colored Pearls
Price: $40.00
Description: A collection of over 2,300 clas...
In Denmark It Could Not Happen
In Denmark It Could Not Happen
Price: $16.95 $14.00
The Flight of the Jews to Sweden in 1943
A moving narrative about heroes and ethics, s...
Louis Brandeis Slept Here
Louis Brandeis Slept Here
Price: $14.95
A Slightly Cynical History of American Jews
An amusing romp through Jewish American histo...
Shabbat and the Modern Kitchen
Shabbat and the Modern Kitchen
Price: $14.95
How does driving, turning on and off lights a...
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
Price: $17.95 $12.00
A love poem as old as the Bible, as contempor...
Israel On Broadway – America Off Broadway
Israel On Broadway – America Off Broadway
Price: $19.95
Jews in the New Millennium
Daring, bold and controversial, Israel on Bro...
Riding the Wave
Riding the Wave
Price: $19.95
The Jewish Agency for Israel 1987-1995
An account of the efforts by the Jewish Agenc...
Why I am a Zionist
Why I am a Zionist
Price: $14.95 $14.20
Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today
Why I am a Zionist is a penetrating and start...
Mielec, Poland
Mielec, Poland
Price: $24.95
The Shtetl That Became a Nazi Concentration Camp
This unprecedented book about Mielec, Poland ...
The Hidden and The Revealed
The Hidden and The Revealed
Price: $35.00 $28.00
The Queen Esther Mosaics of Lilian Broca
A stunning art book, but far more. In additio...
The Gaon of Vilna and His Messianic Vision
The Gaon of Vilna and His Messianic Vision
Price: $29.95 $29.00
In 1990 a document was discovered in Poland, ...
The Birth of a Palestinian Nation
The Birth of a Palestinian Nation
Price: $40.00
The Myth of the Deir Yassin Massacre
In the pre-dawn hours of April 9, 1948, men o...
A New Psalm
A New Psalm
Price: $48.00
The Psalms as Literature
Perhaps The most widely read section of the B...
We Dared to Live
We Dared to Live
Price: $16.95
Abrashe Szabrinski used the Yiddish typewrite...
Tractate Middot Variant Readings for Chapters 1 and 2
Tractate Middot Variant Readings for Chapters 1 and 2
Price: $75.00 $64.00
Presented as a novel form as a transcript of manuscripts and early printed texts.
This is part of the The Temple of Jerusalem s...
My China
My China
Price: $24.95 $22.00
Jewish Life in the Orient 1900-1950
To escape anti-Semitism in revolutionary Russ...
The Sidrot
The Sidrot
Price: $24.00 $18.00
Insights into the Weekly Torah Readings
This is a vintage book is from the early days...
Grandma Shulamit and the Giant Radish (Hebrew)
Grandma Shulamit and the Giant Radish (Hebrew)
Price: $18.00 $16.00
Savta Shulamit Vehatzenunit

What? Again those Jews!
What? Again those Jews!
Price: $14.95 $14.89
What? Again those Jews! is a collection of pe...