My first journey to Krakow in 2000 had unexpectedly changed my life. I had journeyed there to search for traces of my father and his family, about whom I knew nothing. In Krakow, I followed the ghostly tracks and fragments of emories left behind by my father - a quest that resulted in a great gift, the revival of a new, warm family.
Contact Miriam Romm to speak Books: OSTRICH FEATHERS Topics to speak about: DON'T GIVE-UP ON YOUR ROOTS; GENEAOLOGY ISSUES Your Website: HTTP://WWW.OSTRICH-FEATHER.COM Preferred regions to speak in: I’m flexible Significant past appearances: Except Israel, I spoke in Poland & the US Future scheduled appearances: I will be speaking in Slovakia on February.
Ostrich Feathers Price: $15.95 $14.60 A baby girl is born in the middle of the Seco...