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Andrés Spokoiny is a longtime Jewish communal leader with a history of leading successful organizational transformations. He is the president and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network (JFN), the premier philanthropic organization of the Jewish world. Before that, Andrés served as the CEO of Federation CJA in Montreal and, prior to that, he worked for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Community (JDC) in Paris, France. Before his Jewish communal work, Andres worked for IBM Corp. and was responsible for training, development, hiring, and recruitment for IBM's Latin America Southern Region. Andres has a multidisciplinary academic background, including business, education, and rabbinical studies in different institutions around the world. He was born in Argentina and lives in Brooklyn, NY

Titles By Andrés  Spokoiny    Order By:

Tradition and Transition
Tradition and Transition
Price: $20.00 $18.90
Jewish Communities and the Hyper Empowered Individual
Since the advent of modernity, the human cond...