Rabbi Ari N. Enkin fulfilled his lifelong dream of making aliya in July 2004 after serving seven years as a congregational and community rabbi in Montreal, Edmonton, and Winnipeg. He received his semicha from the Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal and from the late Rabbi Pinchas Hirshprung, and has recently received Yadin Yadin ordination as well. He holds a master’s degree in Informal Adult Education from Athabasca University in Alberta, Canada. Since making aliya, Rabbi Enkin continues to teach in a number of institutions of Torah learning, generally focusing on halacha studies in addition to shiurim and public speaking engagements by invitation. Rabbi Enkin also serves as the general editor of the highly acclaimed Hirhurim website and as rabbinical advisor to judaism.about.com. He is also a frequent contributor to a number of publications, primarily on halachic topics. Rabbi Enkin is married to Shayna and they have three children. They currently reside in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Rabbi Enkin’s preferred area of study and teaching is, of course, halacha.